Michael Squibb / Art, Design, Motion, Code

Art Direction, [Mobile 1st] Web design, UX Design, App Design, Flash Development, Motion Graphics, Digital Consulting

Branding design for FoodForkLove
Online BookingApplication + Web Widget
I'm currently working with a local software company to design, develop, and release our own web app that enables and manages Online Appointment Booking. Built for sole proprietors, our product is by far simplest on the market. It's unique only because of our steadfast commitment to being reductive. We've stripped away every feature, gesture, and process that doesn't benefit a sole proprietor. All of that while designing and engineering brilliant new ways to enter data. Our software will be smarter, simpler, and more beautiful than any other on the market. I am responsible for concept, design, UX, UI, front-end coding (HTML/Sass), and will soon be in charge of branding and marketing as we prepare for our beta release.
Dashboard Calendar
Dashboard Settings
Booking Widget (Overlays Client's Website)
UI Design
Selected Wireframes
My Approach (Selected Slides)