Michael Squibb / Art, Design, Motion, Code

Art Direction, [Mobile 1st] Web design, UX Design, App Design, Flash Development, Motion Graphics, Digital Consulting

Screenshot of a Dockers website showcasing local artists with big plans
Wear The Pants ProjectDOCKERS / Integrated Ad Campaign
I believe in working with other people who, for some crazy reason, are hell bent on changing the world. So we helped Dockers grow their Facebook fans 10x over with a do-good social media campaign that empowered men to put their life plans into action. Men shared their ambitions and voted in our Facebook app, where they won cash and resources to execute their do-good blueprints. Weekly winners were awarded cash prizes to pursue their good-hearted dreams, while one lucky grand prize winner who teaches sustainability to kids won $100K to scale up his business. I was involved every step of the way with concepting, art directing, writing, and designing. Doing good for good feels right.
Man Grants: Weekly giveaways Facebook Application
$100K Competition: Facebook Application